Caliban's Island

about the play




About the play

After the Tempest...

Shakespeare's play is over. They've all gone: Prospero, Miranda, Ferdinand, Alonso, the bad guys, the comedians, the courtiers, the sailors. Even the astonishing Ariel - set loose, set free.

But Caliban has been left behind. Alone on his island. No longer a slave. No longer tormented by anyone else. He has the gift of language, and no-one to talk to.

Except for the spirits of the island - earth, air, fire and water embodied in mischievous, musical, playful forms.

And us.

He wants to tell us his story. And the spirits of the island are very eager to help him.

Somesuch Theatre bring you Shakespeare's Tempest in a delightful, engaging, easily accessible form. We use a carefully edited version of Shakespeare's beautiful words, and honour his exquisite play. And we add some storytelling of our own. Our inventive production is designed to facilitate understanding of his script; both its content and its craftsmanship.

Join us for the poetry, the laughter, the magic, the music, and the unfolding of a story that is something rich and strange.


Caliban's Island

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